Surgsci’s CNAS Accreditation: A Leap Forward in Quality Assurance and Global Recognition

The China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) is a national organization authorized by the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA). CNAS plays a crucial role in accrediting certification bodies, laboratories, inspection bodies, and related institutions. Its authority extends to laboratory assessments.


In January 2022, Surgsci’s testing center in Shenzhen began the CNAS accreditation application process. After thorough preparation and multiple reviews, including preliminary and formal applications, document reviews, on-site assessments, and approval, the expert evaluation committee unanimously recommended Surgsci’s testing center for certification. The assessment covered quality assurance systems, technical testing capabilities for certification projects, and measures to ensure impartiality in testing.


Following CNAS evaluation, Surgsci Medical Ltd. complies with ISO/IEC 17025:2017, the standard for testing and calibration laboratory competence. This achievement demonstrates Surgsci’s adherence to international standards in medical device testing hardware, capabilities, and management practices. The laboratory is now authorized to issue test data results with the CNAS national laboratory accreditation mark and the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) joint recognition mark, signifying international authority and credibility.


The Surgsci CNAS-accredited laboratory offers a comprehensive range of tests, including:

  • Medical packaging materials
  • Medical devices and materials
  • Disposable laparoscopic puncture devices
  • Ultrasonic surgical systems
  • Linear cutting staplers and components
  • Injection needles
  • Disposable sterile injection needles
  • Disposable sterile intravascular catheter accessories (guidewires)
  • Ureteral stents
  • Vulcanized rubber or thermoplastic rubber
  • Disposable sterile catheters
  • Stainless steel needle tubes for medical device manufacturing
  • Inflation valve interfaces
  • Finished puncture device testing


Looking ahead, Surgsci will leverage CNAS recognition to expand and enhance its operations. The company remains committed to a quality policy emphasizing precision, fairness, efficiency, standardization, and continuous improvement. By maintaining effective management systems and providing excellent laboratory testing and customer services, Surgsci aims to contribute significantly to overall quality and customer satisfaction.




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